Welcome to Bridge Nerd
Hi, I'm Geoff Davies, a retired professor of physics who started playing duplicate bridge as a teenager and sixty plus years later I'm still hooked. As a physicist, I was taught computer programming which also became a life-long hobby so putting the two things together seemed only natural. Computers can't do everything but they can do lots of things very quickly and can answer questions such as: "If you have a fit in both majors then, on average, is it better to play in the 5-3 fit or the 4-4 fit?" by simply dealing lots of random hands and analysing how many tricks can be made playing in the 5-3 fit or the 4-4 fit.
Read my early posts to see examples of probability questions that computers can handle. If you have similar questions then I'd love to hear from you. You can contact me from the footer bar. While you are there, subscribe to my blog to get email notification of new posts which tend to be more general articles and less computer based.